by Vicky | Nov 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
In this video, Vicky shares a story about a patient that she’s recently seen who has been newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He was given the news by his Medical Doctor and prescribed medication to lower his blood sugar levels and cholesterol. He was told...
by Vicky | Nov 22, 2017 | Health and Fitness
“Treating symptoms is like removing the batteries from a smoke alarm and ignoring the fire.” – Dr Mark Hyman. Is it ever ok to prescribe rice bubbles, white bread and creamed corn to a patient? In this “rant” video, Vicky shares a story of a patient that she’s...
by Vicky | Nov 14, 2017 | Vicky's Challenges
Are you confused about the difference between a Ketogenic diet and a ‘Low Carb High Fat’ (LCHF) diet? Are you wondering whether you are actually burning fat on a LCHF diet if you are NOT in ketosis? Are there only benefits to this way of life if you have high ketone...